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Apps and Data Usage

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Treatment - Apps and General Q1.1. How many DFS apps do you have on you phone?

Group: Treatment
96.8% AG1.1. How many Digital financial service app…013
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Control - Apps and General Q1.1. How many DFS apps do you have on you phone?

Group: Control
90.5% 7.1% AG1.1. How many Digital financial service app…0125
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The use of DFS apps

Seeing that most of the respondents don't have any DFS apps installed, it seems that most people use SMS or a phone number to manage their DFS account(s).

In contrast to other questions, the Treatment group scores 'lower' this time. Less people have DFS apps installed than in the Control group.

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Installing apps

These graphs shed some light on:

  • how willing respondents are to install apps,

  • how often they ask for help when installing a new app,

  • whether they use Flashare, and

  • how often they use Flashare.

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Apps and General Q2. Have you installed any apps since the last time we visited you?

56.5% 43.5% AG2. Have you installed any apps since the la…NoYes
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Apps and General Q5. Did you ask for help?

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Apps and General Q13. Do you use Flashare?

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Apps and General Q14. How often do you use Flashare?

49.2% 29.2% 19.2% AG14. How often?SometimesOftenRarelyVery Often
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Data usage

70% the people interviewed from the Treatment group used wi-fi to connect to the Internet since the last visit, as opposed to only 38% from the Control group.

This great difference doesn't seem to have effect on how often people buy data bundles. For both the Treatment and Control group, the percentage of people buying data bundles daily hovers around 60%.

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Data Usage Q3. Have you used wi-fi internet connection since last the time we visited?

Group: Treatment
69.9% 30.1% U3. Have you used wi-fi internet connection si…YesNo
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Data Usage Q3. Have you used wi-fi internet connection since last the time we visited?

Group: Control
61.9% 38.1% U3. Have you used wi-fi internet connection si…NoYes
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Data Usage Q7. How often do you buy a data bundle?

Group: Treatment
63.4% 15.1% 10.8% U7. How often do you buy a data bundle?DailyWeeklyOnce in a whileMonthlyNever(9 other)
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Sharing Data and Airtime

Sharing data bundles and airtime is common in Kenya. Airtime (prepaid calling minutes) serve as a currency in their own right for a lot of people. As we can see, data bundles are less often shared than airtime among those interviewed.

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Data Usage Q18. Since the last visit, have you received bundles from someone?

62.1% 37.9% U18. Since the last visit, have you received bu…NoYes
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Data Usage Q16. Since the last visit, have you received airtime from someone?

65.5% 34.5% U16. Since the last visit, have you received air…YesNo
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Last updated: 3 days ago